Saturday, December 28, 2019

Letter to Microsoft Permission - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 396 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/09/21 Category Advertising Essay Type Argumentative essay Tags: Microsoft Essay Did you like this example? My Technical Writing Company 55 North Letter Way, Anaheim CA 92801 September 06, 2010 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 Subject: Request to Use Screen Shots of Microsoft Products in User Manual Dear Sir/Ma’am: I am writing to ask permission to use screen shots of your software in order to create an illustrated user manual. I will be using the Microsoft Office Professional Academic 2010 and will be using screen shots of your products, with your permission, in order to make the manuals I am creating easier for people to follow and better understand. I would like to use screen shots in my manual to help explain any written text with images, as images are often easier to understand with written text. While the text will give them step by step instructions of the procedures, the images will be used to show them what to look for, so hopefully they will be able to better follow the procedures and make sure they are using the software correctly. Being able to see exactly what should be done will help make the users of the manual more efficient and less frustrated. I believe that doing so will improve the users experience with your product, and make them more willing to try Microsoft products in the future. I would like to thank you for your consideration on this matter. If you require any further information please contact me by email at [emailprotected] phoenix. edu or by phone at (555)555-5555. Sincerely, John Doe Rubric for Week 2 Individual Assignment: | |Letter to Microsoft | |12 points | |Content for Letter |Comments |Points Earned | |(6 points): | | | |Addressed to Microsoft; | | | |States clearly that writer wants permission to use screen shots | | | |of one or more Microsoft applications for a user’s manual; | | | |Discusses why it would be to Microsoft’s advantage to grant | | | |permission; | | | |Describes succinctly how and in what places the Microsoft screen| | | |shots will be used. | | |Org anization, style and writing | | | |(6 points): | | | |Uses the full block format with subject line, specified on page | | | |171 of text, figure 6. 9†¦ | | | |Follows all justification (left all paragraphs) and spacing | | | |rules, (single spaced within paragraphs; double spaced between. | | | |Observes all rules of grammar (†¦subject/verb agreement, parallel| | | |structure †¦); | | | |Spells all words correctly; | | | |Uses action verbs | | | |Employs respectful, business-like tone and avoids commonplace | | | |expressions; | | | |Minimizes use of acronyms, defines them before using when | | | |necessary; | | | |Writes complete sentences – no fragments. | | | |Late Penalty; -10% per day | | | |Total | | | Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Letter to Microsoft Permission" essay for you Create order

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Plays Everyman And Uncle Tom s Cabin ) Essay

What Matters Most (An analysis of the plays Everyman and Uncle Tom’s Cabin) During the time Everyman was written the Roman Catholic Church was in control of the medieval world and shaped the views of the people. Theater at this time wasn’t used solely for the purpose of entertainment, but rather to deliver a moral message. Everyman is about a man who faces the end of his life and represents the whole of humanity in the view of the medieval Europeans. The allegorical elements of the play and characters reveals that people during the medieval time thought in more abstract terms. When Death comes to take him, Everyman seeks out companionship and as he does so he begins to realize what matters most in life. The philosophy, religious beliefs, and values of the time compelled people to strive to do good in their life because wealth and beauty were only temporary. Regardless of who you were and what you had achieved in your life the only thing that would matter in the end is your good deeds, however, even those wouldn’t matter unless you sincerely rep ented of your sins first. The play strongly emphasizes the value of being a good person because despite all your material goods and wealth, the only thing that really mattered in the end were your good deeds. When Everyman is approached by Death he seeks out Fellowship, who at first is very willing to accompany him until he learns that Everyman is headed to the afterlife. In that case Fellowship abandons him as does Kindred and

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Rehab Concert Review free essay sample

Rehab Concert Review Drinking, smoking and getting wasted are definitely words you here during rehab songs and mostly what you think about when you here their name, however; the majority of the songs performed by this band are quite mellow with there smooth spunky sound and stunning lyrics. Most of what they write about is addiction, and the struggles they go through with drug and alcohol abuse. The rest is just random interesting material they rap and rock about. Theyre surely a struggling band constantly going in and out of rehab. They write about the battle for sobriety and the obstacles along the way that bring you down. Theyre southern rock mashed together with some hard rap and hip hop. Their first album is called Southern Discomfort and that came out in 2000. Their biggest album â€Å"Graffiti the World† came out in 2005. Thats when they really started to get noticed. We will write a custom essay sample on Rehab Concert Review or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They started a Graffiti the World tour around the world and Friday July 25th, Rehab performed at the Domino room in Bend. They rocked the house with people screaming and jumping all over with ecstatic rock n roll spirit. The first song they played was called â€Å"bump,† a recognizable but least favorable one of mine. I personally think its one of the least greatest songs they have, however; they performed it well. They played a few from the first album, â€Å"My Addiction,† â€Å"Drinken Problem†, â€Å"It Dont Matter,† and â€Å"More Like You,† and then some from the newest album, â€Å"This Town,† â€Å"Red Water,† â€Å"Graffiti the world,† â€Å"Chest Pain†, â€Å"We live,† â€Å"Lawn Chair High† and the ever so popular â€Å"Bartender Song.† Lawn Chair High and Bartender Song got the most screams and were definitely the most amazing performances of the night. Both are also ironically alike; both consist of drinking beer after beer in hopes that everything gets better in these hard times of addiction. I personally enjoyed Graffiti the world song the most. I think the live version is way more powerful and amazing than the recorded one. That performance undeniably swept me away. â€Å"Graffiti the World† and â€Å"This Town† were strongly performed with outstanding lyrics and vocals. Red Water is one of their softer rock songs. It talks about a struggle between someone and their battle of depression, leaving that person with happiness only resulting in their suicide. It was a pretty safe night consisting of only one fight involving some older individuals that were intoxicated, but other than that everything went pretty well. â€Å"Heavy Mojo† played as the opening band for rehab. Theyre a new band from Atlanta Georgia trying to get big and famous. They were a hip hop group with two singers, and they certainly entertained the crowd with their crazy performance. They definitely knew how to get our attention and thats the way to get noticed in this new hip hop world. This whole concert was undoubtedly one of my favorite ones yet, and I highly recommend everyone to listen to them and get involved in their music. The crowd was definitely swept away by the fantastic finale from rehab for the night. The final song was â€Å"Lets Go† originally performed by the band â€Å"Trick Daddy.† Everyone in the crowd was jumping and singing along to the ever so popular hip hip song. After that was an outstanding rock n roll guitar solo from the two guitarists. They say theres only 12 steps to recovery, and since rehab already has more that 12 hits, id say theyre on their way to starting a new life full of sobriety and more hit albums for the future. You just have to remember that just as your moving forward It only takes one sip to set you back to where you started. If you want to listen to something different then try a dose of rehab. Ive listened to them for about 2 years now and I still dont get sick of listening to any of their music. They are a mixture of everything good for music and they are with out a doubt unique in there own way and way different from anything youve heard. They h ave such a rare and uncommon sound its hard to say what other bands music they relate too. In my opinion, they have their own sound. They are their own genre.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Word Ghetto free essay sample

The word ghetto, which would come to be used throughout Europe to describe communities of isolated minority groups, originated in Venice in the 1500’s. According to the Oxford English Dictionary a ghetto was â€Å"The quarter in a city, chiefly in Italy, to which the Jews were restricted† (OED). In 16th century Italy, Pope Paul IV established ghettos in Venice as a place of confinement for Jews. His main goal was to gain maximum economic advantage from the Jews’ presence while ensuring minimal social contact with Jewish people. In 1516, seven hundred Jews were forced to move to one small part of Venice, then an abandoned site of a 14th-century foundry that produced cannons. This area known as the â€Å"Geto† was an old Venetian dialect for foundry from the Italian verb gettare which means to pour or to cast, while the island across from it on which waste products had been dumped became known as â€Å"Il terrneo del Ghetto. † The word ghetto in its new usage did not remain long confined to the city of Venice. Generalization of the term helped the word to include all enclosed quarters of Jews in Europe. By the Pope’s edict, Jews remained enclosed in ghettos for two centuries until 1797, when Napoleon and the French army invaded Italy. At that time the ghettos were disbanded and the Jewish people who lived in them were allowed to go wherever they pleased (holocaustresearchproject). Having immigrated to new countries, Jews tended to congregate in particular areas of a town or a city even when no longer forced to do so as did many minority groups living in a foreign country. This was a matter of choice. The Nazi’s eliminated the choice. â€Å"Ghettoisation† appeared in the countries occupied by Germany during World War II. After their 1939 invasion of Poland, Germans tried to control the sizable Jewish population by forcing Jews, and also Gypsies, to reside in marked-off sections of towns and cities the Nazis called â€Å"ghettos. † Altogether the Germans created at least 1000 ghettos. The largest was in Warsaw, Poland, which was the location from where the Nazis transported more than 300,000 prisoners to death camps. The Warsaw Ghetto was also the site of the largest and most significant Jewish uprising, and the first urban uprising in German occupied Europe (holocaustresearchproject). The Germans usually marked off the oldest and most run down areas of a city for a ghetto site. Thus the word â€Å"Ghetto† came to be associated with cramped dilapidated housing, appalling sanitary conditions, inadequate and poor food quality, absence of medical supplies and facilities that were all common aspects of ghetto living. Inhabitants often died of starvation, disease and exhaustion within the ghetto. These connotations remained attached to the word ghetto even up until modern times. In America, the word changed and evolved. Today, the term ghetto applies primarily to blacks in Northern U. S. cities. While all major immigrant groups coming into the U. S. establish their own residential areas, blacks ended up more segregated then most. Scholars have argued over whether or not poverty created ghettos in America or whether the ghettos created poverty. In any event, the connotation of the word ghetto in America became associated with large-scale housing projects and inner city neighborhoods inhabited by black people who suffer from harsh living conditions. Because of such harsh living conditions, these areas have become notorious for crime, drugs, and violence. Thus the connotation of the word ghetto in America has stayed true to its original usage. It is used to this day to describe places of racial segregation (bos. frb. org). While the word ghetto still is associated with impoverished living environments, perhaps because of gentrification the word ghetto has come to have positive slang connotations as well. For example, the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) defines the expression â€Å"ghetto fabulous† or â€Å"ghetto fab† as â€Å"an ostentatious or flamboyant lifestyle or manner of dress, associated with the hip-hop subculture and characterized as a marker of status in economically disadvantaged urban neighborhoods. † This is a perfect example of how the way we use the word ghetto has changed dramatically over time. The word became part of hip-hop culture in the 1990’s. It was used in a good way for the first time. To describe someone who wanted to be part of that way of life as â€Å"ghetto† or â€Å"ghetto fab† was a complement. It was something that the world had never seen before. The creation of slang words and expressions is one of the ways that language changes over time. A group will use a certain word and after time, it may become widely used. Then it can become a part of most people’s vocabulary. Instead of being a noun with the most negative connotations of poverty disease and even death, the word ghetto is currently used as an adjective to label certain clothing, style, and even attitudes. There are certain brands of clothes that in many cases are described as ghetto. This could be because of the way they look (baggy, brightly colored) or because of the fact that the people who wear them frequently live in urban areas. The word ghetto is used for many reasons. Due to our culture and our society many times the word gains negative meaning. Generalizations may cause people to believe that people from the ghetto have less moral values than someone from out of the ghetto. However, the true definition of the word says nothing about morality. Although the word has a myriad of meanings, it is still understood in a variety of conversations (123helpme). Did the word ghetto really go from being such a negative term to such a positive one while somehow still maintaining part of its original meaning? That’s exactly what the word has done. The bridge between the two polar opposite meanings can probably be attributed to the fact that each has something to do with the city or urban areas. This is just about the most ameliorated a word could ever get. After a few centuries of word evolution, the word ghetto has become part of our culture in a positive way, rather than a negative one. The word has been through an incredible amount of semantic change. Through the process of broadening, the word has gained many new meanings. It no longer describes a quarter of an Italian city in which Jews were forced to stay in. It no longer has to describe a run down, over populated city such as Brooklyn, New York. The word ghetto can be used as an adjective now. It can be used to positively describe someone or something. Semantic changes such as broadening and generalization have brought about countless new usages and meanings to what was once a very specialized word (COHA) The word has been altered over time to become much more of a slang term. Many would argue that this term has become slang because of the way it is used by the younger generations. While it shouldn’t be considered a totally different word, the word ghetto represents entirely different meaning then it used to. The word has been used in and seen in such a wide variety of ways that it rarely gets used to describe what it was nitially meant to. The real meaning of the word ghetto does not mean much anymore because there is no longer a place where Jews are forced to live or for that matter a place where any group or minority is forced to live. The word now depicts a disadvantaged section of a city or town. The word ghetto was used in America most frequently in the 1970’s. Before that it was probably used a lot more interna tionally due to the fact that most ghettos in America did not exist until around the 1950’s. In the 1970’s the word is used with certain words very frequently. For example the words â€Å"black,† â€Å"boxed-in,† and â€Å"community. † However over time and into the 21st century the word is used less and less. While the usage decreases, the meaning changes. Today, we see the word ghetto used with words and phrases such as â€Å"fabulous,† â€Å"pimp,† â€Å"track-suit,† and â€Å"gangsta† (COHA). Its evident that as time goes on, the meaning of the word ghetto is being altered tremendously. The word ghetto is a word that has an important place in not only today’s world, but also in the past. The word contains tremendous meaning for certain groups of people throughout history. For most of these people the word isn’t something they consider a noble word or a cheerful word at all. The people who know best what this word means are the people who experienced the Ghetto, the people who were confined, and people who were restricted. These people couldn’t experience the outside world. They were stuck in what is now defined by the OED as â€Å"the part of the city, especially a slum area, occupied by a minority group or groups. † The term was originally used in Venice, Italy to describe the place where the Jews were meant to live. Eventually the term became widespread. Now used not just for areas where minorities live, but also for poorer areas in general. The word went through the semantic change of broadening. Ultimately, more than just Europeans in the old world used the word. In later years, the Venetian origin of the word â€Å"ghetto† came to be forgotten, as it was used exclusively in its secondary meaning as referring to compulsory, segregated and enclosed Jewish quarters, and then in a looser sense, to refer to any area densely populated by Jews. Eventually â€Å"ghetto became the general designation for areas densely inhabited by minority groups, almost always for socioeconomic reasons, rather than legal ones as had been the case with the initial Jewish ghetto. Interestingly enough, the word â€Å"ghetto† can be described as a colloquialism, but can just as easily be used as slang. The fact is no one changed the meaning of the word on purpose. This is what happens to words over time. They change meaning time and time again. The word ghetto is no different. The word is a perfect example of language and how it is ever changing.